If you have any queries or concerns, you may contact any member of the school office who will happily assist you. They can be contacted in person or by telephoning 0115 915 2965 between 8am and 3.45pm.

Highbank Primary and Nursery School

School Meal Menus

Spring Term dinner Menu 

Week 1 6/1/25, 27/1/25, 24/2/25, 17/3/25

Week 2 13/1/25, 3/2/25, 3/3/25, 24/3/25

Week 3 20/1/25, 10/2/25, 10/3/24, 31/3/25

School dinners are FREE for all children in KS1 (Years 1 and 2) and Reception. School meals are freshly cooked on site and are nutritionally balanced with a wide choice of meat or vegetarian, hot or cold meals.



Children in KS2 have to pay for dinners unless parents/carers are in receipt of benefits that entitle them to free school meals. If your child attends Nursery on a full time basis and you are not in receipt of free school meals, you can purchase a meal for £1.50 a day (£7.50 per week).


Dinner money is £2.20 per day and £11.00 a week. 


If your child is in Nursery full time they can have a school meal at the reduced cost of £1.50.


Our preferred method of payment is through the Weduc App - Squid Payments. On here you will find payment options for either 1 meal or 1 week. We accept cash or card at the school office. Cash should be in an envelope with your child's full name, amount enclosed, days on which lunch is required and class number written on the front.


Thank you.
